Wednesday, December 1, 2010

25 Days of Giving::December 1

Do you use an advent calendar? We have in the past, but it's usually been just a means of counting the days down until Christmas. It's been a way to alleviate the daily "How many days until Christmas?" question. This year is no different in that regard. All of the kids have been asking for a week already. Brice asks everyday if "Grandpa" is coming (that's what he calls Santa).

But this year is different too. This year, instead of just counting the days until we get stuff, we are opening our advent calendar boxes to find a task of giving to others. Others may include family members, friends, or strangers. The kids came up with the list and I distributed them among the boxes. Our plan each day, here, is to reveal the day's task and report on the kids' choices to fulfill the previous task. We'll try to keep up with posts, but I promise we'll keep up with giving.

Today's task: Make lunch for your family.


Anonymous said...

Love this idea!!! I may try to find inspiration and make a version for my guys :)


Faith said...

Love this idea and the pic! Was just thinking this morning that I want to do something similar this Advent season. Thanks for the continued inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Awesome idea! I love it! This has inspired me to do more giving projects this season with my little ones.