Tuesday, June 22, 2010

21.5.800 21 Day Challenge Day 15

I am writing privately tonight, but wanted to share this with you all...

Wordle Word Clouds

Have you ever created a word cloud? 
There is a website called Wordle where one can enter words, text, a web address, and a lovely piece of art will be created using those words. The more frequently a word appears in the selected text, the bigger the word appears in the cloud.

I decided to enter all the text of my first fourteen days of this writing challenge, just to see what my writing looked like. I thought I knew what my prominent words would be...or at least some variation of the prominent words. I was correct. CHILDREN was the most prominent word by far. I thought so. 

My 800 words tonight are a sort of examination of this cloud and what the largest words say about my priorities.

Check out my Wordle Word Cloud - 800 Words  - here 21.5.800 Challenge - 800 Words Word Cloud
then try your own! It's insightful fun.

Namaste dear readers...Jeannie

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Very cool. We did this at Disney with an environmental survey thing. You are so creative!