Saturday, January 22, 2011

The week that was...January 15-21

I don't have pictures to share of all of the fun we had this week. I try not to stand over everything we do with a camera because things tend to come out posed or staged when I do. Instead, I try to just get the camera out a few times a day and capture ordinary moments.

This week...

  • we hosted new Georgetown College students at a reception in our home
  • attended a Martin Luther King Day celebration
  • finished a round of steroids and antibiotic for Reeves' cold and croupe
  • started antibiotics for Brice's cold and ear infection
  • I began a new semester at the college and gave a lecture on creative dramatics to a regional group of children's librarians
  • we played at Miss Nina's house
  • got lots more snow
  • missed guitar and gym&swim because of the weather and sickness
  • and had some friends over to play chemistry games. 
Have a great week! 

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