Sunday, February 3, 2013

Feb. 3, 2013 :: vegas

This is Vegas.
She turns eleven this month. She is seven month older than Reeves in people years and six and one half years older than my dad in dog years. No year of blogs about family and home could be complete without her.

She's been with us since she was four months old and we are most certainly her people.

She has been dressed up, pulled along, manicured, and groomed by Embree all these years without complaint.

She paces when we pack suitcases and sneaks out the door and into the car if we aren't careful.

She used to run away to the neighbors house, but never leaves the house without us now.

She knows commands and does her best to mind them all.

She has so much hair, she has or follow the fence in the backyard to find her way around if she's due for a haircut.

She walks on three legs most of the time now, after years of dislocating her back hip.

She hardly goes outside and HATES the chihuahua. Yes, all caps...HATES.

She is a faithful friend and she makes our house a home.
Happy Birthday, Old Girl.


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